ECS Whole Person Clinical Companion Guide

ECS Whole Person Clinical Companion Guide

This guide is a clinical companion to Dr. Sexton’s new book “Eat, Sleep, Relax, Protect, Forget: An
Endocannabinoid Guide to Systems Wholeness for Women”. Dr. Sexton completed a 3-year
postdoctoral fellowship in the pharmacology of cannabinoids, studying the immune and
neuroimmune effects of cannabinoids at the University of Washington with Dr. Nephi Stella. She
participated in the development of American Herbal Pharmacopoeia’s Cannabis monograph, which continues to have the therapeutic compendium portion absent. As a trusted pioneer of clinical cannabis use, teaching the ECS and cannabinoid medicine to healthcare providers since 2010 has been a passion. This is an evidence-based guide, fully-referenced, and may contradict ‘herban legends’ of cannabis curative properties reflected in some of the marketing of cannabis and various cannabinoids- many claims of which are not yet supported by the state of the science.
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